Paypal Donations:
Simply click on the “DONATE BY PAYAL” button, and follow the instructions. Easy as pie, alhamdulillaah!
One of the easiest way to donate these days is by PayPal. The email you need to send the money to is:
In the box entitled ‘add special instructions’ simply type the purpose of the donation. Very easy and convenient way of regularly donating from anywhere in the world.
Bank Transfer, One-Off or Regular:
You can transfer funds straight into our account as a ‘one-off’ payment or regular payments. Just contact your bank, and they’ll do the rest. For regular payments, simply telephone your bank and inform them that you wish to set up a Standing Order with a charity and then they’ll do the rest. You choose the regular amount you wish to donate and how often, it can be weekly, monthly or annually. You will need the following details for your bank:
- Account name: “Salafi Bookstore & Islamic Centre”
- Reference or note: please add here the purpose of donation (e.g. books, leaflets, general da’wah, mosque, etc)
- Bank: Lloyds Bank
- Account Number: 00231260
- Sort Code: 30-93-09
Overseas Donors
- Account Name: Salafi Bookstore & Islamic Centre.
- Bank Name: Lloyds Banking Group Plc.
- Branch: Erdington, Birmingham, UK.
- IBAN: GB14 LOYD 3093 0900 2312 60.
- Reference or Note: (add here the purpose of donation)
Donate by Che
que or Debit Card:
Make cheques payable to: “Salafi Bookstore & Islamic Centre”. Please write on the back of your cheque what the donation is for. Debit card payments are accepted by ‘chip and pin’ in our bookstore or donate by phone, call 0121.773.0033 (Overseas: +441217730033)
Don’t have a Bank Account? Not a Problem:
You can visit our Salafi Bookstore, and hand in cash over the counter and you’ll be given a receipt for your donation. Or you can pop into your local Post Office, and ask for a Postal Order for the amount you wish to send us. Make it payable to “Salafi Bookstore & Islamic Centre”, and write what you are donating for on the reverse (e.g. books, leaflets, general da’wah, mosque, etc). Then just pop it in the post to the address below.
Contact us:
Any questions? Please contact us by writing to us, or visiting:
Salafi Bookstore, 472 Coventry Road,
Small Heath, Birmingham, UK, B10 0UG
- Website:
- Project Committee: Abu Khadeejah, Shabir Majid, Alim Chaudry, Abu Aman Shafiq, Abu Ubayd Ozan Bedir.
This cause is transparent and worthy of your help. May Allaah bless us and you. We ask Allaah to make our efforts in this regard for His Face only, seeking only His Reward and Pleasure.
We welcome any feedback and comments by post to the above address or by email to: