Detailed Project

Help us to purchase our Masjid in Three Basic Stages

Stage One: Relocation of School (Funds Raised – alhamdulillaah!)

The last official government inspected Ofsted report stated:

“The school has made good progress since its previous inspection. It complies with all of the regulations and now provides a good quality of education for the pupils. Teachers have successfully created a strong spiritual and nurturing environment, firmly based on Islamic principles and effectively meeting its stated aim of incorporating the Salafi ethos into the heart of each pupil’s education. Teaching and the curriculum, including Qur’anic and Islamic studies are good. Assessment information is now being used more effectively to plan lessons of consistent quality; consequently, pupils make good progress in their learning and excellent progress spiritually and morally.”

Please take time to visit:

Our school caters for up to 200 pupils, but is heavily restricted because it comprises of rooms connected to the back of the Masjid and in its present state does not allow for desperately-needed, larger classrooms, a larger playground and modern teaching facilities. The cost of relocation will be £600,000. Our school is already heavily subsidized so the present school fees are only sufficient to meet current needs. We need your support to make this relocation work. Remember that this is a Salafi School that is raising children upon the Sunnah, whilst still being able to interact and live courteously and kindly within a Western context. Even Ofsted has recognized the positive effect of our efforts. But, the truth is, we need to expand and relocate due to the popular demand the school commands within the community. This will, in-turn, effectively double the size of the Salafi Masjid because the vacated classrooms will be utilized to expand the Mosque. Every penny you donate, sincerely seeking the Pleasure of Allaah, will be a continuous charity that will benefit you even after you leave this worldly life.

Stage Two: Masjid Expansion (Now in Progress)

Once the school is successfully relocated, we can then move on to phase two, which is to expand the present Salafi Masjid. We can essentially double the size of the Masjid by taking over the space the School presently occupies. Imagine this, our Masjid would be one of the largest Salafi Mosques in the West, in a city that arguably has the highest concentration of Salafi families in Europe. The Salafi Eid prayer alone brings together over 3,500 worshippers in Birmingham. This is a rapidly expanding community. When you help to expand this Mosque, you will be rewarded for every person that ever prays in this place of worship because you would have facilitated for them a place to pray.

The reward is truly immense, Allaah’s Messenger (may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Whoever builds a Mosque for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Reported by Bukhaaree and Muslim).

On an occasion, the noble Companion, Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) addressed his companions saying:

“I ask you by Allaah and Islaam! Do you know that the Mosque of the Prophet (may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon him) was too small for its people, so the Messenger of Allaah (may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Who will purchase the land of the family of so-and-so and add it to this Mosque in exchange for better than that in Paradise?’ So I bought it with the core of of my wealth and presented it to the Messenger.” (Reported authentically by at-Tirmidhee, no. 3703)

So, O Salafi! Do you not wish to be counted amongst the pious who have a house built for them in Paradise? Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) took from the core of his wealth to aid the expansion of the Mosque. Do you not seek to emulate the likes of Uthmaan? We have estimated the Masjid expansion project to cost £250,000. Again your donation will be a continuous charity for you, even after your death. For every person that prays in this Mosque,  for every child that learns to read, recite and memorise Qur’aan, for every person that sits in the daily classes, for every attendee at the conferences, for you there is a reward! Imagine, O brother and O sister, indeed Allaah rewards abundantly the doers of good. At present we have daily Qur’aan classes for 150 children, conferences attended by thousands throughout the year, daily classes attended by hundreds – imagine the reward, O seeker of good!

Stage Three: Purchase of Building

Once stages one and two are completed, we will move to stage three which is the purchase of the present building, inshaa’Allaah. The purchase of the building will make this Mosque a permanent fixture on the UK landscape for generations to come. Our hallmark for thousands of others to benefit from. Imagine for generations to come, a place that you helped to establish for the sole worship of Allaah, will still be prayed in and you will still be reaping the rewards. Who would willingly let such an opportunity slip by? We made this the third stage because it is the most difficult financially, at a cost in the region of three million pounds depending on the actual time of purchase. However it is certainly achievable with Allaah’s Aid. So are you ready? Then let us begin now. Please read the rest of this brochure, and pass the news to others. Please contact us if you want to help or need further information.

We accept Debit Card donations over the phone:
0121 773 0003 (secure and safe)

We accept donations by PayPal – just click on the Donate button above:

We are registered in the UK as a charity.