Theme: Ahlus-Sunnah are united in every age and era: they do not differ and divide
Lecture titles:
- Ahlus-Sunnah are Most Knowledgeable of the Truth and Most Merciful to the Creation.
- Ahlus-Sunnah are in the middle path: between the Sects of Extremism and Negligence.
- The Jamā’ah are the Scholars, so know the Scholars.
- The Salafis are: Ahlus-Sunnah, Ahlul-Hadeeth, Ahlul-Athar, the Aided Group and the Saved Sect.
- Whoever wages war against Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah only harms himself.
- “Glad tidings to the Strangers” from Ibn Rajab’s book ‘Kashf al-Kurba’.
- Ahlus-Sunnah versus Ahlul-Bid’ah through the ages.
Plus two question and answer panel sessions: Friday evening and Saturday evening.
Conference begins on Friday jumu’ah; followed by two lectures after asr prayer and then a major question and answer panel session after Maghrib, inshā’ Allāh – so missing Friday is not really an option!
- Abu Hakeem Bilāl Davis
- Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid Alam
- Abu Iyād Amjad Rafiq
- Abdulilāh Lahmāmi
- Abu Idrees Muhammad
- Uwais Taweel
- Abu Mu’ādh Taqweem Aslam
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